Today, from our church family, we pray for Bob Hingley.
During our Annual Church Meeting last month, we elected several people to new roles in our church organisation and we thank you, Lord, for all those who have willingly offered their time and talent in the service of our church. We pray for Julie Bradshaw and David Sharpe, our wardens; Jackie Watt, Mike Robinson, David Gregory and Peter Wheble, our deputy wardens; Lilian Turner, our Electoral Roll Officer; Martin King, our Stewardship Secretary; Diane Sainsbury, David Gregory and Mike Robinson, our Deanery Synod Representatives; Lesley Bates, our Child Protection Officer. We pray for those who serve on the PCC, those who perform the duty of sidespersons and those who serve on the Ministry Team. Later in the year there will be a calling out process to fill the vacant posts on the Ministry Team and we pray that there will be people willing to accept these positions. There are many others in our Church family who contribute so much. Help us all to work together to grow your church here at St. Martin’s. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
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