Sunday, 4 May 2014

Prayer for Wednesday 7th May

Today, from our church family, we pray for Sue Holmes.

The “Worship Matters” course is beginning today when one will be able to explore the many ways one can worship and discover how to engage in worship more deeply.

At the Lent Lunch Talks at St. Paul’s church last month, Dr. Esther Waterhouse spoke on the topic, “Is All Life Worth Saving?”.  Dr. Waterhouse is the consultant in charge of palliative care at the Manor Hospital.  After her very interesting talk about the challenging nature of her work, she asked if we would all pray for her and her team.  Dear Lord, we do not know what difficult situations Esther and her team face daily, nor the emotional cost of dealing with end of life issues.  We ask you to bless all the palliative care team with love, patience, wisdom, courage, tenderness and understanding.  Be with them when they are exhausted and emotional drained, we pray.  Please give them your peace and tranquillity so that they can cope with all that challenges them. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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