Wednesday, 14 May 2014

What is Messy Church?

Messy Church began when an Anglican Church in Portsmouth were concerned that they had few children and families coming to church,  so Messy Church was born and is now widely known.

At St. Martin’s Messy Church meets once monthly on a Sunday afternoon and once monthly on a Sunday morning, when they are able to join us on Church for Communion.

The aim of Messy Church is to give families the opportunity to meet together, to worship together to have fun together and to learn about God together, through craft, food, activities, games, quizzes drama, songs and stories.  Each session, both morning and afternoon, has a ’theme’,  with a Christian message, which all activities are based on. The children and parents  are often encouraged to take part in acting the story.   In the afternoon  session in January the ‘theme’ was  ‘The Bible’,  resulting  in the board in the Church Hall.  On this occasion we had many games about the  books in the Bible. Each session since then we have heard about Bible Heroes, including  Daniel, Noah, and Jesus and it will be David and Goliath next week.
Martin and Jackie King are responsible for the morning Messy Church and we are used to seeing the children coming into church with what they have made and sometimes hearing what they have done.

Apart from the teams that organise each Messy Church we have many people who come along to help and we would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this way for their support and help. 

If you would like to know more please speak to Martin, Sue Davidson or myself,  Kath Pymm

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