Friday 20 April 2012

Discipleship: Commitment

Sermon preached by the Revd Phill Ball on Easter Sunday 2012
Todays topic in the discipleship series is, Commitment.  So Happy Easter, to each and everyone of you! Today is special in so many ways!

Its one of those rare good news, even better news, and fantastic news days, there’s no bad news in sight.

The Good news:
The Easter Eggs, The chocolate, Our Families, our friends, in loving and being loved, in just being together, in family meals, in time together, in the flowers all around us, and in the new life budding outside the church;

So lets Commit  to thanking all those including God, that provide all that for us all.
And now my Easter gift to you, this sermon is going to be relatively short, so lets Commit to listening and reflecting on it !

The even better news:
Is the good news of Easter, that is the good news of the risen Jesus, the tomb is empty, Christ is risen- he is alive Forever.

The Easter story is that God due to his love for us all, Committed to save us from ourselves,  and came to dwell with us here on earth as Jesus.  Through Love Jesus Committed , to teach us how to live, and to share the building of the Kingdom of God, both here on earth, and in heaven.

Through Love , even though he was innocent, he was tried, found guilty, and then Committed to suffer and be crucified on Good Friday, and Committed to face death.

Through love, God suffered and died for you and for me, and through love and Commitment that can never be overcome or defeated in the end, Jesus rose again on Easter Sunday…. Today!

Jesus’ Commitment  returned him to the father in the ascension, and then God and Jesus, kept their further commitment to us all, to send the Holy Spirit, who is Committed to be our comforter and guide, around and within us, always.

And all three Commit to be with us, and for us, and never leave us for all eternity through love.
We have had the Good News, and the even better news, and now the Fantastic News!

To be a part of this fantastic offer where God through love Commits  to you, each and every one of you…. All you have to do is to Commit to follow Jesus, in your hearts, in your lives, and with all those around you.

If like me it’s a bit more like staggering after the example of Christ, as long as its committed staggering, God will provide the rest. Its this sharing with and inside you, with Commitment
 When  we celebrate all this in our prayer, and at communion.


That’s why we celebrate Easter, and that’s why we Commit to follow Christ!

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