I remember waiting for Father Christmas to arrive when I was little, listening so hard I could hear the sleigh bells. How vivid are your Christmas memories? The sense of expectation and excitement lessened as I lost the wonder of innocent simplicity and belief in Santa. I remember my sister telling me there was no such person and I refused to believe her, knowing I would have to ‘grow-up’!
But regret for lost memories made me think.
I am a child of God. The real Christmas story is no made-up fable. Jesus came; born into the world to take the weight of my sin upon Himself on the Cross and so restore my relationship with God our Father. How amazing is that!
The wonder and excitement of childhood Christmas’s can only be a pale imitation of the real joy of walking with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The thrill of those lumpy parcels under the Christmas tree can’t be compared to the Gift that my Father has given me in Jesus, my Companion, Best Friend, Saviour and Lord.
Instead of sadly looking back at lost childhood Christmas’s, I can look forward with confidence, knowing that whatever the future holds, I am loved unconditionally by One who longs for us to trust Him and give our lives into His safekeeping.
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. John 3 v 16
The greatest Gift of all is waiting for each of us this Christmas – Jesus. Will you join me here at St Martin’s in discovering Him, in the year ahead?
Happy CHRISTmas,
Love Jane W
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