Do you ever feel that it is difficult to hear God
speaking? I know I do.
There are so many distractions around us. TVs, Radios, facebook, twitter, telephone,
email, things calling on our time and attention. As well as the different competing voices
telling us what to do, we are constantly bombarded with advertising which tells
us how to spend our money, where we should go, what we should do, how we can
live longer, be happier, be more successful, achieve our goals. With so many distractions around us, is it
not surprising that sometimes we find it hard to hear God’s voice in all that
is going on.
I actually think that sometimes we feel more comfortable
with this noise, and that we are not very good when it comes to being still and
But too much noise can be bad for our health, and can lead
to sleeplessness and stress.
it is not just audible noise that is a problem.
Our lives can often be filled up with noise, worries, doubts, fears,
pressures of work, family life, church life.
All these things can act as noisy distractions. I imagine all of us at one time or another,
had those experiences of lying awake on our beds at night with thoughts rushing
through our mind, making it difficult for us to switch off and sleep.
noise, which can affect our lives can so often prevent us from hearing
we can get used to this noise. When I
visit my parents’ house I’m always struck by the noise from the A50 which runs
past their house, but they don’t hear it, because over the years they have got
used to it, and managed to screen it out.
I think we often do the same with God.
there is a lot of background noise from the traffic, but every now and then
there will be a break in the traffic, and during that time you can suddenly
become aware of the noise of birds singing.
They’ve been there all along, but it is just their song has been drowned
out by the sound of traffic.
it be that the fact we often feel as though God is not speaking to us, is not
because he’s not speaking, but that we’re not listening?
The word ‘Listen’ appears 332 times in the Bible. Clearly this is something which is important
for us to do. But if there is one thing
I know I’m bad at doing, it’s listening, especially when it comes to God. I suspect I’m not the only one.
The story is told of Franklin Roosevelt, who often endured
long receiving lines at the White House. He complained that no one really paid
any attention to what was said. One day, during a reception, he decided to try
an experiment. To each person who passed down the line and shook his hand, he
murmured, "I murdered my grandmother this morning." The guests
responded with phrases like, "Marvelous! Keep up the good work. We are proud
of you. God bless you, sir." It was not till the end of the line, while
greeting the ambassador from Bolivia, that his words were actually heard.
Nonplussed, the ambassador leaned over and whispered, "I'm sure she had it
listening is like tuning into a radio station. For good results, you can listen to only one
station at a time. If I try to watch TV whilst holding a conversation with
someone, it won’t work, it will just lead to frustration and irritation.
listening requires us to make a choice about where I am going to play my
attention. So if I’m talking to Beata, I
need to put away the things that will divide my attention, that might mean
turning away from the screen that I’m looking at, turning off the TV or radio.
same is true when it comes to God. We
need to set aside time to be with him.
trouble is that I find I’m not very good at doing this. It takes time, and effort.
of the essential elements of Taize Worship is the 10 minutes of silence in the
middle of the prayer. At first it takes
a lot of getting used to, because there can be so many distractions, not least
the noise of thoughts whirling around in your head. But after a while you begin
to appreciate the space and stillness, and it helps you to listen for the still
small voice. It is about creating space
for God in our lives.
is it though, that we find being still so difficult? I think part of the problem is that we live
in a world where everything is expected to happen quickly. The world has been transformed by global
communications, in the past where it would have taken days, weeks or even
months for news to travel from one side of the world to the next, now it
happens in seconds.
is not just communication. We have
similar expectations in our own lives. Personal
debt in Britain stands at over £1.432 trillion. In the
past people used to purchase goods and products when they had the money, but now
we buy now and hope to pay later, putting money on credit card. We’ve also seen an explosion in the use of payday lenders such as Wonga, which has seen
more and more people getting into debt.
Since 2007 the National Debtline has seen the number of calls they
receive increase by 140%.
is all symptomatic of a culture where we expect everything to be done
instantly, the buy now pay later culture.
can be a problem in our Christian life as well.
When we pray we expect to get instant answers. But God doesn’t act like this.
our Gospel reading we encounter Simeon, who had been promised by God that he
would live to see the Messiah. How long
did Simeon have to wait for this promise to be fulfilled? The Bible doesn’t say, but it may have been
an extremely long time.
was someone who clearly had learnt to
wait, to trust, to be still, and to listen.
He knew that he would see the
Christ one day, he didn’t know when, but he trusted God.
In being open to God and
listening to him, we also need to be prepared to be challenged. The message God may want to convey to us, may
be uncomfortable, and difficult. This
was true for Mary in our reading when Simeon said “This child is destined to cause the
falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be
spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will
be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” Being open to God, means being prepared to
hear all that he wants to say to us.
This Sunday marks the official end of the Christmas season
(Candlemas), and our focus moves to Lent, which begins in 18 days time. One of the things that I am going to strive
to try and do this Lent, and maybe something you’d also like to think about
doing, is to switch off some of the noise and distraction that exists in my
life. To take time to be still, and to
more consciously try to tune into God, to heed the words of the Psalmist who
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
It is all to easy to fill up our lives with
things which do not matter, and neglect those things that really do matter.
It has been estimated that in a lifetime the average person
will spend:
- Six months sitting at traffic lights,
- Eight months opening junk mail
- One year looking for misplaced objects
- 2 years unsuccessfully returning phone calls
- 4 years eating
- 4 years doing housework
- 5 years waiting in line
- 11 years watching TV
- 25 to 30 years working
- 26 years sleeping
I wonder how much time God gets from us?
Psalmist writes, Be Still and Know that I am God. The well known Quaker George Fox used to
say ‘Carry some quiet around inside yourself, be still in your own mind
& spirit, from you own thoughts, and then you will be able to hear God.’
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