Today from our church family we pray for David Fussell

Collect for St George’s Day
“God of hosts, who so kindled the flame of love in the heart of your servant George that he bore witness to the risen Lord by his life and by his death: give us the same faith and power of love that we who rejoice in his triumphs may come to share with him the fullness of the resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.”
Loving Father, on this St George’s day we pray not just for England but for all of the United Kingdom. For those who govern us and the members of our judiciary who interpret our laws. Give wisdom to those who make decisions on our behalf so that all their implications are understood. We pray for Elizabeth our Queen and give thanks for the devoted service she has given to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.
We pray for those in our armed forces, who we send to fight and serve peacekeeping roles on our behalf, that we will support them adequately both during conflict and later if they suffer physical or psychological harm.
We pray that we will not take for granted the human rights we enjoy: freedom of speech and belief, the right to a democratic vote, free medical care and education and give thanks for the lives of those whose endeavours in the past gave us these freedoms. However we pray that we will not be complacent but remain aware and strive to improve anything that is failing society. We pray for all the people and businesses in our country with financial problems. For the elderly, sick and disabled, the homeless and for all those who feel forgotten and neglected. Help us to find ways to combat low aspirations and dysfunction in parts of our society. Make us ever mindful that we have a responsibility as citizens not just of this country but of the world. Help our leaders to maintain dialogues with other nations, to strive for peace and understanding and to support those fighting against tyranny. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
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