Monday 28 April 2014

War tears lives apart, love can help piece them back together

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer … in whom I take refuge.’ (2 Samuel 22-23)

For a growing number of people across the world, the horror of war is a part of daily life.  Right now, fuelled by the devastating violence in both Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the numbers of people driven from their homes by war is on the rise.  It stands at 42 million people – an appalling statistic and a stain on the conscience of humanity.  We can’t turn our backs.  We must act now. 

The good news is that our church can make a real difference.  Last year, a magnificent 20,000 churches across the country helped raise over £12 million during Christian Aid Week.  This Christian AidWeek (11th- 17th May) we want to go even further.  We want every church in Britain and Ireland to get involved – whether by giving, acting or praying.  Together we can send people living in fear this message: You are not alone.  We’re with you, helping to rebuild your lives, and working for peace.

Imagine what such an expression of love would mean to people searching for the strength to cope with the devastation of war, and how it could help to drive out their fear.  Demonstrate God’s love for those living in poverty and show how much good the church is doing in the world this Christian Aid Week.  Together we can reach the 42 million people caught up in conflict and help them live a life free from fear. Volunteer to take out some Christian Aid envelopes.  Tell your families and friends about Christian Aid Week.
Could you provide the gift of hope?
£15 could provide blankets for refugee children to protect them from bitter night-time temperatures.
£40 could provide enough good quality and nutritious food for two refugee children for a month.
£150 could help provide specialist emotional support for a child deeply traumatised by the horror of war that they’ve witnessed or experienced.
Anything you give will help a suffering person.                                               
(Adapted from Christian Aid article)

Be an instrument of God’s peace.  Give, act and pray this Christian Aid Week.
                                                                                                                                                                    God bless, Jackie

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