Today from our church family we pray for Toby Bhadwaj.

Today is World Water Day. We pray for Water Aid, working to provide
water for health and hygiene to some of the world’s poorest people, and for
Tear Fund, Christian Aid and other agencies who support this work. May many
more people have access to clean water and sanitation during this decade and
may we appreciate the luxury of our water supplies and try not to use them
Heavenly Father, in our prayers for Walsall today, we pray
for its Christian Churches of all denominations and give thanks for their
witness to you and for the charitable work they do for the town both together
and individually. We pray for those of other faiths and for respect for each
other’s beliefs and for dialogue, tolerance and understanding between all
faiths. We give thanks for the work of all those who tirelessly raise funds and
give their time for the charities in our town that support the sick, the
lonely, the homeless and the vulnerable. We also pray for the work of the
street pastors tonight in the town centre and that the support they give to
those they meet will encourage a safe and supportive environment for everyone
in the town.
Lord in your
mercy, hear our prayer
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