I've always had a problem with this verse in the King James
Version, as the words 'suffer' and 'little children' should never appear in the
same sentence. We all know, of course, that suffer in the King James version is
the Middle English form meaning allow and not the understanding of suffer as we
use it today. Nevertheless today we frequently
read of children suffering: such as abuse cases very close at hand, and those
suffering physically, emotionally and
educationally as they are unable to attend school as a result of the wars raging
at present around the world, and so it
continues. We pray that these situations will cease and innocent children can
live free lives again.
April's charity giving from St. Martin's is for RETRAK,
a British based charity, working with street children in Uganda, Kenya,
Ethiopia and Malawi giving them hope and new life. Across the world there are hundreds of
thousands of children living on the streets suffering hunger, poverty, abuse
and violence. Having been to Uganda and
seen the work of RETRAK, we've witnessed the suffering and know of the many
causes that bring these children onto the streets.
In May we will be giving a presentation in
Church on the work of RETRAK and how it is helping these children. On June 14th
Carole is doing a sponsored skydive to raise funds for the street children.
Many have said "Aren't you frightened?" The answer simply is - I've
chosen to do this, my fear will only last a few minutes. Street children have
no choice, their fear lasts for years. Each day they wake up not knowing if
they will be alive at the end of it because of abuse at the hands of adults,
lack of food, illness or disease.
At Easter we remember the crucifixion and resurrection of
Christ, giving us the gift of new life. RETRAK is giving an opportunity of a
new life to the street children.
"Suffer little children to come unto me, for theirs is
the Kingdom of Heaven"
& David Gregory
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