Thursday, 6 March 2014

Prayer for Thursday 6 March 2014

Today, from our church family, we pray for Roger Barker.

“O Lord,
You revealed your Kingdom in parables
That spoke of simple things –
Yeast in a loaf of bread,
A woman sweeping her home.
Grant that the simple choices we make- 
What tea to drink, what fruit to eat –
May honour your Name
And reveal your Kingdom present among us.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”  (Christian Concern for One World)

We are coming to the end of ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ when charities have tried to emphasise the importance of giving people around the world a fair price for the produce they grow and the products they make.  St. Martin’s tries to support Fairtrade by using Fairtrade tea, coffee, hot chocolate, sugar and biscuits in the café; Fairtrade communion wine in our services and fairtrade tea and coffee for the refreshments after our Sunday services.  Small changes like these can have a huge impact on the lives of the poor around the world. Please support Foncho and his family who are trying to help other banana growers, by choosing Fairtrade bananas in the supermarket.

“Father God,
In all things let us seek to become imitators of you:
You are full of knowledge and infinite wisdom.  Help us to carefully 
consider where our products come from, making wise decisions about what we buy.
You abhor slavery.  Encourage us to play our part in freeing people around the world who are trapped in extreme poverty.
You say that a worker deserves their wages.  Forgive us for the times we have given our money to companies who don’t provide their staff with a living wage.
Empower us to change old habits so that our spending honours you.
You dance upon injustice and tell us to speak up for the voiceless.  Give us the courage to inspire others to take action too.
You are love.  Let your tender compassion for each one of your children move us to care for our global family across the world.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.”          (Anna Rogers)
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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