Friday 28 February 2014

Saturday 1st March

Today, from our church family, we pray for Janet Allchurch.

A prayer for St. David’s Day
“Almighty God, on this special day
we remember Saint David, your servant.
We give thanks for his passion for the Gospel
which helped spread Christianity;
We give thanks for his purity and simplicity of life
which enabled his pursuit of Christian perfection;
We give thanks for his gentleness, but clear spiritual leadership.
Grant that we may learn from him
And respond to the words that are thought to be his last:
“Be steadfast, and do the little things,”
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.”  (Tony Miles)

Our prayers for our town of Walsall focus today on the Health Care sector.  We pray for all those who work in our hospitals, surgeries, nursing homes or who are involved in care in the community.  Bless them with the strength and energy they need to cope with such demanding jobs.  Provide them with the cheerfulness and altruism required to cope with their patients, clients and colleagues.  Loving Lord, may they use their skills, knowledge and talents for the very best outcomes for their patients.  May all managers, administrators and financial directors ensure that resources are directed where they are needed most so that the sick and vulnerable people in our town may  receive the care and support they need quickly and effectively.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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